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2020-08-03 16:48:25 45


3. TPO14听力部分


Salvage logging may appear to be an effective way of helping forests recover after a destructive fire or storm, but (转折)it can actually result in serious longer-term environmental damage. Its economic benefits are also questionable.(关系)


改写:Salvage logging is detrimental to both the woods and the economy.

First, cleaning up a forest after a fire or storm does not necessarily create the right conditions for tree growth. (首句+重复)In fact, (强调)the natural process of wood decomposition enriches the soil and makes it more suitable for future generations of tree. The rapid removal of dead trees can result in soil that lacks the nutrients necessary for growth.(尾句)

第二段是反对阅读的内容并提出自己的理由,在该段落中需要特别注意salvage logging 的同义词,即salvage logging=cleaning up a forest after a fire or storm/the rapid removal of dead trees。

改写:Salvage logging is bad for the forest because new trees can’t survive in the soil lacking nutrients decomposed by dead trees removed by salvage logging.

Second, it's true that rotting wood can increase insect populations, but is this really bad for the forest?( 问句) In fact, spruce bark beetles have lived in Alaskan forest for nearly a hundred years without causing major damage. (例子+因果)And of course dead trees do not (否定)provide habitats only for harmful insects. They are also (并列)used by birds and other insects that are important contributors  to the long-term health of forests. In the long run, therefore,(因果) salvage logging may end up-doing more harm to forests than harmful insects do.


改写:salvage logging is harmful to forests because spruce bark beetles living in Alaskan forest for hundreds of years don’t cause any major damage. In addition, salvage logging destroys the habitats where birds and other insects necessary for long-term healthy forest live.

And third, the economic benefits of salvage logging are small and do not last very long, in severely damaged forests, much of the lumber(重复) can be recovered only by using helicopters and other vehicles that are expensive to use and maintain. Furthermore,(并列)jobs created by salvage logging are only temporary and are often filled by outsiders with more experience or training than local residents have.


改写:Salvage logging does not provide long-term economic benefits because helicopters and other vehicles  are expensive to use and maintain in severely devastated forests and temporary jobs created by salvage logging are replaced with experienced and trained outsiders.


Recent research has revealed the pterosaurs may in fact have been capable of powered flight.

改写:pterosaurs are capable of powered flight.

First, the issue of pterosaur metabolism. Some recently discovered pterosaur fossils indicate that pterosaurs had a dense, hair-like covering, somewhat similar to fur. Hair or fur covering is typical of warm-blooded animals because those animals need to maintain a high body temperature when external conditions are cold. So if the metabolism of pterosaurs was more like that of warm-blooded animals and so faster than the reading suggests, then it would have supplied them with the energy needed for powered flight.

改写:warm-blooded pterosaurs produce adequate energy for powered flight because they have a dense, hair-like covering, which is a symbol of warm-blooded animals, to maintain a high body temperatures in the cold external conditions.

Second, the idea that large pterosaurs couldn't use powered flight because they were too heavy. We now know that pterosaurs had anatomical features that made them unusually light for their size. For example, the bones of pterosaurs were hollow instead of solid. Hollow, light-weight bones would have kept the pterosaurs weight low despite their large body frames. The pterosaurs' weight was probably low enough to allow them to keep themselves airborne by flapping their wings.

改写:Pterosaurs were not too heavy to flap their wings because the hollow, light-weight bones could help them stay airborne.

Third, takeoff would indeed be a problem for pterosaurs if they took off the way birds do. But there are important differences between birds and pterosaurs. Birds only use their hind limbs, their legs, for walking on the ground. So they only have two limbs to push off from when they launch. But pterosaurs walked on all four limbs while on the ground. There are modern flying animals that walk on all four limbs. Bats, for example. And they use all four limbs to push off the ground, not just the back ones. Studies indicate that even the largest pterosaurs would have had no trouble using all four limbs to run fast enough or jump high enough to launch themselves into the air.

改写:Unlike birds using to hind limbs to take off from the ground, pterosaurs use all four limbs to take off as modern flying animals such as bats do.


1. TPO 14的范文:

The reading contends that salvage logging benefits not only the destroyed forest but also economy. However, the lecture opposes what the reading says. He believes that salvage logging is detrimental to both the woods and the economy.

The first point stated in the reading is that salvage logging creates suitable conditions for new tree growth because it provides space to new trees. However, the lecture opposes what the reading says. He holds that salvage logging is bad for the forest because new trees can’t survive in the soil lacking nutrients decomposed by dead trees removed by salvage logging.

Contrary to the second point in the reading is that salvage logging contributes to the healthy forest due to the reduction of insect infestation such as the spruce bark beetle, the lecture says that salvage logging is harmful to forests because spruce bark beetles living in Alaskan forest for hundreds of years don’t cause any major damage. In addition, salvage logging destroys the habitats where birds and other insects necessary for long-term healthy forest live.

The last one made in the reading is that salvage logging has economic benefits because it provides industrial wood and jobs for the locals. However, the professor contradicts what the reading states. He proposes that salvage logging does not provide long-term economic benefits because helicopters and other vehicles are expensive to use and maintain in severely devastated forests and temporary jobs created by salvage logging are replaced with experienced and trained outsiders.


The reading holds that pterosaurs were incapable of powered flight. However, the lecture opposes what the reading says. He believes that pterosaurs are capable of powered flight.

The first point stated in the reading is that the cold-blooded pterosaurs with slow metabolism were unable to produce sufficient energy to fly, which means that warm-blooded animals could generate ample energy needed by powered flight to fly. However, the lecture opposes what the reading says. He holds that

warm-blooded pterosaurs produce adequate energy for powered flight because they have a dense, hair-like covering, which is a symbol of warm-blooded animals, to maintain a high body temperatures in the cold external conditions.

Opposite to the point in the reading that the heavy and large pterosaurs were unable to stay aloft for a long time by flapping their wings fast, the lecture proposes that pterosaurs were not too heavy to flap their wings because the hollow, light-weight bones could help them stay airborne.

The third point, made in the reading, is that pterosaurs were unable to use small and weak back legs to take off from the ground/launch themselves into the air as the birds do. Unlike birds using to hind limbs to take off from the ground, pterosaurs use all four limbs to take off as modern flying animals such as bats do. Thus, the lecture is opposite to what the reading says.



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